
This is part 5 of KINETICOACH's Nutrition blog series.  To get up to speed, please reference Parts 1, 23, and 4 . Today, we'll share our personal techniques for food choices in hotels and restaurants.  We make the baseline assumption that the hotel serves a hot breakfast based on our typical travel routine (and we travel a lot!)

Navigating the hotel breakfast.  We'll lean on the foundation built in part 1 to structure our hotel breakfast avoiding hyperpalitable foods, and focusing on nutritionally dense foods.

  • Upon arrival, scope out your options focusing first on what protein is available

    • Eggs, sausages, yogurt (if you do alright with dairy) are typical protein-rich hotel breakfast fare.

    • Food quantities will vary for individuals, but a broad recommendation would be a total protein serving approximately equal to or slightly larger than the size of your closed fist.

  • Next, survey for fresh fruits

    • Avoid syrupy pre-mixed fruit slosh.

    • Look for fresh fruit. General hotel options include melon, berries, grapes, pineapple, apples and bananas.

    • Again, serving size will vary per individual, but as a starting point, cut fruit that could be held in one open hand should suffice. For whole fruit, 1 banana or 1 apple are good starting points.

  • If you feel you have attained your goals for fat loss, then adding a small serving of cooked breakfast potatoes or a little extra fruit is ok.

  • Grab an extra banana or apple to supplement your work-day snacks (similar to what we packed for our flight in part 4).

  • Avoid: donuts, croissants, waffles, cereals, pancakes, other pastries, granolas.

  • Here's our stance on bacon: The fat contained in eggs or sausages should suffice for the vast majority of the general population. If no other fat sources are available, then small (2-3 strips) quantities of bacon are an option for fat. But you are mistaken if you think you've found the tasty fountain of youth espoused by Jim Gaffigan. It is not the artery-clogging devil it was built up to be, but bacon is the quintessential hyperpalitable food: calorically dense combination of salt and fat with a texture that easily leads to excess caloric intake.

Beverages. Finally, select something to drink

  • Primarily choose water, sparkling water, coffee, or unsweetened tea. Recent science has indicated that regular intake of artificial sweeteners is associated with increased risk of metabolic disfunction (i.e. weight gain, increased blood sugar, Type 2 Diabetes). So, in general, stick to unsweetened beverages.

  • Skip the juices. They tend to fall into the hyperpalitable spectrum as it's easy to consume a large amount.

  • No "energy drinks" or sodas.


KINETICOACH is the best fitness App for travel, vacation, and home.  It was developed by business travelers and fitness professionals with more than 30 years of personal coaching experience and decades using hotel gyms.